The following letter was published by Winnipeg Sun, on Feb. 18, 2012

How does change come about? And where lay the seeds that germinate into new vistas of hope, justice, prosperity, growth and happiness? To me, it’s in the warm smile we give to passersby. It’s in coming to the aid of somebody in need. It’s in the company we keep. It’s in life-defining achievements. It’s in the people we grew up with and our communities. As it is Random Acts of Kindness Week in many parts of the world, I hope this strikes a chord with my fellow readers because we’re all role models and everything we do has a cause and effect, giving us the power to change ourselves and our surroundings. For although we be but grains of sand in this sandbox of universes, it all starts somewhere. “… we should exercise such sympathy towards each other as if we have become limbs of the same body.” (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) It’s this very power that has been pivotal in shaping mankind’s history, and today, in a time of economic struggles and looming uncertainty we must embrace this more than ever before to reverse the spiral of moral, economic and political unrest.

Muneer Ahmad Khan, Ottawa



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