Muslims condemn violence as crimes against humanity

The following letter was published by Toronto Star on Nov. 5, 2020.

We can’t let extremists succeed in their goal, Oct. 2

Within a matter of days, there have been incidents of “Islamic” terrorism taking place in France. Most recently, the brutal killing of three innocent victims in the city of Nice has sparked outrage within that nation and without. I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to the loved ones of these victims and any others who may have been affected. As a Muslim, the mocking of my Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him!) brings about a great deal of pain, but, by no means whatsoever, does it (permit) approval for violent acts of any nature. As Muslims, we condemn such acts in the strongest possible terms and will continue to do our level-best to raise awareness against them. Speaking on behalf of millions of Ahmadi Muslims from across the globe, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad states, “Such grievous attacks are completely against the teachings of Islam.”

Ali Shahan Butt



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