Crisis in Ukraine

The following letter was published by Toronto Star, on April. 19, 2014

The alarming situation of Ukraine has prompted Prime Minister Stephen Harper to say, “This represents a significant threat to the peace and stability of the world.” This unfortunately seems to be the reality of today’s world.

Leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mirza Masroor Ahmad wrote to Stephen Harper a few years ago about the current situation of the world. He stated, “If a path of equity and justice had been followed after the Second World War, we would not be witnessing the current state of the world today.” It is quite common to find larger nations suppressing and usurping the rights of smaller nations. This is against the principles of justice and equity.

Mirza Masroor Ahmad concluded his letter to our Prime Minster by saying, “My request to you, and indeed to all world leaders, is that instead of using force to suppress other nations, use diplomacy, dialogue and wisdom” As an Ahmadi Muslim, I pray that the world leaders can lead us out of this deteriorating situation so we can see peace emerge once again in Ukraine.

Luqman Ahmed



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