We must rise above the intolerance and hatred

The following letter was published by the Cambridge Times on June 17, 2021.

What is the value of a human life — a Muslim life? The terrorist attack that took place in London, Ont. has shaken the community at large and is an alarm for Canadians to the underlying current of hate and bigotry that exists in certain pockets toward Muslims.

As a proud Canadian Ahmadi Muslim, Muslims who believe in the Messiah, this incident has raised deep concerns that I feel for the safety of my family including my wife who wears a hijab and children.

As an avid traveller, I have been fortunate to travel across the globe and proudly tell family and friends that Canada is the best country in the world to live in, however at this junction we must rise to the challenge and stand up to the racism and acts of hate toward any member, community or faith group.

In the Holy Quran, it states, “whosoever killed a person … it shall be as if he had killed all mankind” (Chapter 5, verse 33). My heart feels tremendous sorrow at the loss of four beautiful lives that were cut short. So many dreams and potential were shattered with their death.

As Canadians, we must rise above the intolerance and hatred. We have a proud multicultural society, and we must condemn these evil acts in the strongest terms.

The perpetrator of this heinous terrorist attack must be brought to justice with the ultimate message that there is no place for hate, racism, and intolerance in Canada.

Nomaan Mubashir, Cambridge



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